THE BasicS OF tv-repaIr (B2c)

In this training, the basic principles of a TV repair are repeated and further developed using the most current techniques and service solutions. You will also learn how to correctly explain the optimal setting of his device to the user/customer. This training focuses specifically on a number of important aspects, such as:

  • How to adapt the image to the viewing environment / standards and wishes of the user
  • Tuning to a DVD/HD-DVD/Blu-ray player, by means of the correct setting of the peripheral equipment and the television.

Target Group
This training is intended for novice TV technicians who regularly service home appliances in consumer homes (B2C). At the end of this training you will be able to give the customer detailed and clear explanations about the use of his TV/Display. This training is a Module belonging to the de Training Service & Repair Technician Basic.

Duration and nature of the training
This training is given in classroom form and covers a total of 2 half-days. During the first half of the day, the theory is treated with the help of demonstrations by the instructor. In part 2 of the training, the student gets to work on the basis of a number of concrete and practice-related assignments. Testing takes place by means of a digital test with open and multiple choice questions.

Entrance qualifications
To participate in this training, candidates must have the following competencies, experience and level of knowledge:
• Diploma in Electrical Engineering or comparable level based on demonstrable work experience
• Basic knowledge of image technology and electronics
• Minimum 1 year work experience as a TV technician
• Affinity with image technology
• Good communicative skills

Rates and availability
The price of this training is € 395 per student, excluding VAT and costs for the final test and certificate (see Rates).
The minimum group size is 4 students. With sufficient participation, this training is offered throughout the year.

Inquire about the possibilities via the contact form on this website.